Tips For Reusing and Upcycling Old Fabrics for Slipcovers

Dozens of squares of different fabrics

I’m fascinated by the potential that lies in things we often consider past their prime. My fascination with older things, their stories and possibilities, includes old fabrics. These textiles don’t need to end their journey in a landfill. Instead, they can embark on a second, equally vibrant life through the craft of upcycling, morphing into … Read more

Tips For Washing Slipcovers (Without Shrinking!)

Woman kneeling and lading washing machine.

Familiarizing yourself with the material your slipcover is made from and what its care and cleaning entails should really begin before you purchase your slipcover. But, if not, I need to stress the importance of at least being familiar with your slipcover material before you toss it into the washing machine. This first step is … Read more

How To Measure Your Sofa For A Slipcover

Yellow tape measure

If your couch or sofa has begun to show signs of wear, or you’re simply looking to refresh your living space, a slipcover might be the solution. Slipcovers come in a variety of fabrics, styles, and patterns that can suit any home aesthetic. From snug-fit stretch covers that conform to your sofa’s shape to loose … Read more

Dressing Your Furniture: What Are The Different Types Of Furniture Slipcovers?

Man and woman tucking a cover over a couch

When it comes to buying a slipcover most of us probably think of ready-made slipcovers. Ready-made slipcovers are widely available from a number of retailers and not particularly expensive. But for covering that lovingly worn couch (Which definitely beats paying thousands of dollars for a new one!) ready-made slipcovers are not the only option. There … Read more

What Is The Best Material For Slipcovers?

So, you are shopping for a slipcover. And you have just read all about fabric durability so you have some idea of qualities that are important to consider when choosing the best material for slipcovers. (If not, check out my article on upholstery fabric durability ratings.) If you’ve read “Upholstery Fabric Durability Ratings” or are … Read more

Upholstery Fabric Durability Ratings

It may not be intuitive to think of slipcovers as upholstery because they are not fixed to your sofa or armchair as upholstery would be. Slipcovers also typically don’t feature padding or decorative details, like buttons, for example. However, slipcovers serve much the same purpose as upholstery – covering, decorating, and protecting the furniture underneath … Read more

Why Do People Use Slipcovers? [7 Excellent Reasons!]

Woman laying on covered couch reading a book. Pexels.

Furniture is essential to a functional, comfortable, and pleasing home. Upholstered furniture, in particular, is central to the daily lives of most households. Our couches and armchairs are where we socialize, read a good book, watch a movie, eat a snack (or sometimes an entire meal), do homework, wait-up for someone to come home, have … Read more